Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Despedida a um brasileiro

Nos teus olhos eu não vejo o Brasil,
vejo uma pessoa, como eu, como outro qualquer,
lembras-me que o interior não tem casa,
o que é nosso brilha em qualquer sítio.

Fisicamente separados por água,
próximos pelo passado convívio,
a distância não apaga memórias,
encontramo-nas acima do céu,
para além infinito.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Every form of art teaches us how to live wisely. You're art. Marry me, and I'll marry you. Love me, kiss me, kill me.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

"Choose your enemies carefully ‘cos they will define you
Make them interesting ‘cos in some ways they will mind you
They’re not there in the beginning but when your story ends
Gonna last with you longer than your friends."

 in Cedars from Lebanon - U2

Friday, 18 May 2012

Après moi

Be afraid of the lame, they'll inherit your legs
Be afraid of the old, they'll inherit your souls
Be afraid of the cold, they'll inherit your blood
Après moi, le deluge, after me comes the flood.

from Regina Spektor

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Love, you're a whore

Muitas vezes questionei-me porque não sou músico, se eu não vivo sem música. A resposta é que ela não me põe a comida no prato. Por isso, és uma puta! Desgraças-me, e continuo a amar-te.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Ao teu corpo relançeio-te,
por entre saias, amanhece,
plantas a flôr ao teu amo,
e o meu coração apodrece.

A sopa da panela,
esfria-se no meu palato,
que sorva-me o reflexo,
e deixa-me mal humorado.

Da janelo te observo,
e masturbo-me com cuidado,
por não te ter ao meu lado.

E a minha alma carcomida,
por larvas das janelas,
tira-me as forças para o salto.


Foi como amor aquilo que fizemos
sem manhã sujeitos ao presente;
os dois carentes
foi logro aceite quando nos fodemos.

Foi circo ou cerco, gesto ou estilo
o termos juntos
sexo com ternura
Foi candura
num clima de aparato e de sigilo

Se virmos bem
ninguém foi iludido
de que era a coisa em si – só o placebo
com algum excesso
com algum excesso que acelera a líbido.

E eu palavrosa, injusta desconcebo
o zelo de que nada fosse dito
e quanto quis
e quanto quis tocar em estado líquido.

Foi circo ou cerco, gesto ou estilo
num clima de aparato e de sigilo
Foi circo ou cerco, gesto ou estilo
num clima de aparato e de sigilo
Foi como amor aquilo que fizemos
os dois carentes
foi logro aceite quando nos fodemos.

from A Naifa

Thursday, 3 May 2012

"- Why don't you like me?" - she said.
"- Because you're an easy person that loves money to live. You constantly say that, if someone takes you in
vacation to an island, you're completely conquered." - he leans his head, raise his eyes, lower his tone, and point the finger to her, saying: "- You're an easy person. I don't like easy persons. You're my opposite. Forget it."
In a sudden change of conscience, she said: "- I'm so in love with you, let's go to bed!"
From that moment, the guy didn't get, and to not ruin his character, he lowered the hammer of consciousness on her.


The little feather of dust fall gently to the ground. A moment of serenity invades me. I feel like a criminal that is obsessed with stillness, and in a moment where the time has frozen, my soul rises to the air. My body kept breathing, but I'm out of it , and I start to gently swim through the oxygen like a whale in the ocean. I swim to nowhere, and I feel free in my dreams. I shout like a kid: "I'm free! Finally, I'm free!" Feeling like a champion, I crawl, or swim backwards. Doesn't matter that I'm sleeping. I'm free.
What the world needs is lucidity and sanity to understand that consuming behaviour won't help anyone. The tendency to see the world as a set of brands that people spend all the money, is perverse. People that see the world like that are ill, although they hadn't noticed.

People can rebut that it's normal. The best definition of normality, is having the same disease as the majority of people. Even if a majority approves killing acts, it always be wrong. If majority of people are afraid of living and restrain to the power of money, it is still wrong. People need to stop being restrained and subject to the monetary law. People just need to let life bless themselves.

People are free without the money. If you don't stop being greedy, you will get crazy. People need to stop being afraid of dying poor, or becoming homeless. We are blessed with life when we're surrounded by trees, animal, the sun, the moon, oceans, love. Don't be afraid of the death. Death is the prolongation of life. Don't be afraid of anything, just be yourself. Please forget the purpose of the money and you will be happy. You can continue using money, just don't constrain yourself to his power. Just don't commit excesses. Just reject credits. If you overdo it, money will kill you.

Don't be afraid to say to the person you love, I love you. Everyone loves to be loved. Why we should restrain ourselves to do what everyone would love to hear? Why we should judge anyone that says to you, I love you, as a clingy person? That person cannot be clingy. Maybe that person just really knows that he loves you.

If anyone points me the finger saying that I'm a dreamy and crazy one, I just reply that I'm happy, even being alone in this world.

Be happy. Once and for all, be happy, and say to your partner, I love you.

Motion Picture Soundtrack

"Red wine and sleeping pills
Help me get back to your arms
Cheap sex and sad films
Help me get where I belong

I think you're crazy, maybe
I think you're crazy, maybe

Stop sending letters
Letters always get burned
It's not like the movies
They fed us on little white lies

I think you're crazy, maybe
I think you're crazy, maybe

I will see you in the next life

Beautiful angel
Pulled apart at birth
Limbless and helpless
I can't even recognize you

I think you're crazy, maybe

I will see you in the next life"

from Radiohead