Wednesday 29 August 2012

Is this the world that you described Mr. Aldous Huxley

"I'm so mediocre, that the pain of the others gives me pleasure. That's why I worship football, I read sport magazines, I go to hookers, I cheat my wife, I beat my children, I drive a fancy car and don't stop talking about it, I'm arrogant, I wear flashy sunglasses at night, I talk to people with sunglasses put on, I eat like a pig, I throw food to the trash, I spit to the ground, I don't help people, I abandon animals, I immerse in TV trivialities for hours, I laugh despicably about other's misery, I escape taxes, I blabber about everything, I fart, I think taking my wife to a five start hotel to fuck her is being romantic. I do all that to feel that I'm better than others, and my friends do the same. Am I behaving properly Mr. Aldous Huxley?"

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